“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for men….”
Colossians 3:23
Dear faithful,
A traditional American proverb says that, “God makes this request of his children: Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, now.” The story of Jesus Christ feeding the 5,000 illustrates this through the boy’s offering of all that he had – five loaves and two fish. This boy did his best with what he had, and Jesus used it to perform an incredible miracle. Just like the boy who offered the loaves and the fish, if we offer what we have – however great or small our gift – God will receive our gifts and multiply them to feed His people.
This past year, with the support of our members, we continued the many programs you have come to know and value, in the areas of Sunday School, Greek School, Joy and Hope, Altar Boys, Choir, Bible Study, just to name a few. In the coming year we expect to continue with these valuable programs, make them stronger, and identify other areas of need where it may be appropriate to focus our efforts. Our Church needs your time, talent and treasure. You are capable individuals who can offer in the house of God and sustain our programs whether old and new.
At the same time, beyond the programs, in an effort to maintain our Church, we have been working on various projects for the beautification, maintenance and development of our Church and community. As you have seen, this past year we initiated the expansion of the parking lot, a large project that is still ongoing, but which has already added great amount of additional capability for parking,
All of the above programs and projects, require your financial support, without which none of this can happen. Related to this, a decision was made in the last General Assembly for a minimum increase of fifty dollars ($50) to our minimum stewardship requirements, in order to be able to sustain the cost of all works and programs. We humbly ask you to embrace this change and support our church and its programs through active participation and acceptance of this change. It is only with your help that we will be able to evolve as a church and community and produce positive results.
In the New Year, there will be further communications about stewardship, during special Sundays that will be dedicated to learning in which we will dedicate to learning more about it, and how it can enhance our parish, our leadership and our ministries.
Offering you my thanks for your dedication to our parish and your participation in Christ’s work of salvation, I remain
With love in Christ,
+ Archim. Nektarios Cottros
If you would like to become a member of our Church, please download and complete the Stewardship Pledge Card below and send it with your payment to St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1101 River Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854.
St. George Greek Orthodox Church
1101 River Road; Piscataway, NJ 08854
Office Hours: 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
(732) 463-1642 / stgeorge@gocnj.org
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
12MarPRE-SANCTIFIED 6:30p.m.Thu
13Mar11:00a.m. "Kali Parea" Senior Group Mtg Memorial Room
8:30pm PTO Meeting - Memorial Room 7:30-
8:30pm Bible Study-ZoomFri
14MarPre-Sanctified 9:00a.m.
GOYA Lock-in
2nd Salutations 6:30p.m.