Working Together Side by Side Serving God in Philanthropic Ways
Our Mission is to aid the poor, the aged, the destitute, the hungry, the needy and sick through charitable works performed with discretion, courtesy and kindness.
2023-2025 Executive Board
President - Annie Sullivan
1st Vice President - Eleni Parlapanides
2nd Vice President - Georgia Kouridakis
Secretary - Soula Moschonas
Treasurer - Agnes Aretakis Sagliocco
Assistant Treasurer - Evangelia Manolakis
Board of Directors
Evangelia Alexander
Eleni Andronikou
Koula Athanasopoulos
Maria-Regina Caputo
Nickie Gerondelis
Evellyn Tsiadis
“Empowered Women Empower Women”.
For further information please contact us at
Kindly reference Philoptochos in the subject line
National Website:
Saturday, October 26th at Noon
Saturday, November 16th at 11 am
Saturday, December 14th at 11 am
Saturday, January 18th at Noon
Saturday, February 8th at Noon
Saturday, March 8th at Noon
Saturday, April 5th at 11 am
Saturday, May 3rd at 11 am
Thursday, June 12th Our Year End Appreciation Dinner
Social Service Assistance
If you know of anyone who has been experiencing a hardship and is in need of assistance please reach out to Father Nektarios. Protecting an individual’s identity and situation is critical to our organization. All inquiries, requests for information and other communications concerning these individuals shall remain private and confidential.
Since Philoptochos is accountable to its members and donors, we follow procedures to determine if and how we can help most effectively. These procedures apply to all levels of Philoptochos (National, Metropolis and Individual Chapters). Individuals seeking assistance must complete and sign an Application for Assistance prior to any aid being provided. This application is for our recordkeeping and subject to confidentiality obligations.
Come Join Us
St. Barbara Ladies Philoptochos welcomes new members to join us in continuing the tradition of helping those in need. No one is too old or too young. Be a part of a special group of dynamic women whose drive, dedication and heart help those who need it most. We are looking for women of all ages who are committed, enthusiastic and have a passion for helping those in need. If you are self-motivated, excited to be an active participant in our Chapter, and are devoted to carry on our mission of philanthropy, bringing people together and spreading the love of our Orthodox faith, then we are looking for you.
Please come join us at our next meeting to see what we are all about.
The funds we raise and the work we do supports worthy ministries on local, national, and global levels.
As a Chapter, our projects include Homeless Cooking, St. Michael’s Home visit, Saint Basil Academy, the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), National Philoptochos Social Services, directed funds for Cancer & Major Illnesses, Autism, Emergencies, Retired Clergy and Hellenic College/Holy Cross. We contribute funds to assist those in need during natural disasters, in times of crisis in our own community and events around the world. This charitable work is always done with discretion and kindness for the Glory of God and the betterment of all human beings.
Your stewardship is a critical element of our fundraising efforts. During the year, your personal participation level in the various activities organized by our Chapter is at your discretion according to your time and talents.
“We could overcome with the greater good ”
Philoptochos Stewardship
There is no set amount for Stewardship but we suggest a minimum of $40.
Chapter Support
General Donations
We humbly accept donations to honor a loved one or to mark a special occasion. Thank you!
St. George Greek Orthodox Church
1101 River Road; Piscataway, NJ 08854
Office Hours: 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
(732) 463-1642 /
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
12MarPRE-SANCTIFIED 6:30p.m.Thu
13Mar11:00a.m. "Kali Parea" Senior Group Mtg Memorial Room
8:30pm PTO Meeting - Memorial Room 7:30-
8:30pm Bible Study-ZoomFri
14MarPre-Sanctified 9:00a.m.
GOYA Lock-in
2nd Salutations 6:30p.m.